Nutrient Goal Profiles For Macro and Micronutrients

Optimize your nutrition with our Nutrient Profile Builder, setting personalized daily goals across dozens of macronutrients and micronutrient. Automatically get research-backed RDAs tailored to your unique profile, including age, sex, and activity level. Enjoy flexibility with customizable target range for each nutrient to match your specific health goals.

Set Multiple Types Of Goals

If you want to set your own nutrient targets, we’ve got you covered like most other apps just don’t. Our philosophy is different. Instead of requiring you to hit a specific number, we allow you to set multiple targets for each nutrient. Specifically, you can set any combination of three targets for each nutrient:

Floor Only

Specify only a minimum to make sure you’re getting at least a certain amount of a nutrient.


Target Range

Specify both a min and a max when you want to create a range to stay within.


Ceiling Only

specify only a maximum value to make sure you want to stay under a certain number.


Goals Provide Context Throughout The App

Food Log

When viewing a food, you can see how any food item or meal contributes to your goals.


See favorited nutrients first so you can always see your daily progress at a glance.

Track Nutrients Over Time

Visualize nutrient trends

We show your nutrient trends over time for dozens of nutrients. You can see your daily consumption over a week, month, 3 months, and beyond! We also conveniently highlight your target ranges so you can see how often you’re on target.